Jan Dusík

Jan Dusik has a long career stint in the Czech Ministry of Environment, where he has had various responsibilities, including the accession negotiations and then EU relations in the environmental sector. Among others, he has successfully coordinated Czechia's climate diplomacy activities during the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU in 2022 and also led ministerial negotiations during COP27 on behalf of the EU. Mr Dusik is also a Senior Member of the Arctic programme of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). In earlier stages of his career, he worked as Deputy Minister for climate protection at the Czech Ministry of Environment, as Minister for the Environment, as Principal Adviser on strategic engagement for the Arctic and Antarctic at the United Nations Environment Programme and as Regional Director and Regional representative for Europe at the UN Environment programme in Geneva, Switzerland. With nearly 30 years of climate action experience, Mr. Dusik has been appointed as Deputy Director-General ‘Innovation, adaptation and resilience, stakeholder relations' at the Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA).